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Friday, September 9, 2011

The $700 Million Yogurt Startup - Forbes

Just a few of the millions that go out every day.

In a scant four years, Hamdi Ulukaya has built something that even Silicon Valley types should covet: a $700 million business that’s profitable, dominant and growing at a furious clip.

Even more incredible: Ulukaya makes yogurt.  YOGURT. The stuff comprised of milk and culture.  This is the ancient food that must be produced, packaged and shipped to grocery store chains who, if they feel like stocking their shelves, finally disseminate it to consumers.  It’s perishable (like software rot, but worse).  And the yogurt market is competitive, stocked with old stalwarts such as Yoplait, Dannon and Fage, the king of Greek yogurt before Ulukaya showed up.

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