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Friday, July 29, 2011

The fight gets technical: mobile apps vs. mobile sites | Econsultancy

To cover all bases, it is important to recognise that consumers are not using these channels in a mutually exclusive manner. They are using both native applications and browser-based apps, so the best strategy is to develop both types. 

The decision to invest in an app or in a mobile website depends on the company’s target audience and the functionality of the app. Companies also need to consider time, budget and resources to develop each solution.

Native, web or hybrid mobile app development?

Source: Worklight

An inherent trade-off

Source: Worklight

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

To Spread Your Brand On #Facebook, Don't Target Your Fans--Target Their Friends | Fast Company

ComScore recently released a white paper based on the data that shows why brands should focus more on the friends of their fans, and engage the most hardcore users with interactions that will ripple throughout their network's newsfeed. The data was collected through a massive survey of privacy-flouting Facebookers who volunteered to have their complete Internet behavior vigorously tracked. Here's the key stat, as far as marketers are concerned: A meager 16% of company messages reach users in a given week, largely because the Facebook newsfeed usually only displays popular posts and few fans go to the brand's page on a regular basis.

The solution is to reach friends of fans through messages that are shareable, and promotions that require voting, checking in, or other interactivity. "Friends of fans represent about the most untapped potential in Facebook marketing," says ComScore VP of Marketing Solutions, Graham Mudd. For example, Starbucks's impressive 23 million fans pales in comparison to the number of friends of those same fans: 670 million. In other words, for popular brands, the friends of fans represents "a very large proportion of the Facebook universe."

ComScore's research finds a high degree of similarity between the tastes of friends. As a result, brand impressions of friends account for nearly double of what can be achieved from marketing to fans alone

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Confident Technologies Unveils New Mobile Authentication Technology

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Internet #Strategy Briefing | Econsultancy #ux #crm #scrm #free #mobile


Econsultancy’s 46-page Internet Marketing Strategy Briefing, which is is free to download, covers some the most significant online trends and is recommended reading for anyone interested in digital marketing strategy.

The report, which includes case studies and examples of best practice, includes sections on customer centricity, channel diversification, data, social media and content strategy.  

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Led by #LinkedIn, Social Recruiting Continues to Grow [#Infographic]

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jobs for Data Scientists Explode Across The Market


In what's likely just the beginning of a long-term story, job listings indexed by employment search engine indicate that market demand for data scientists and people capable of working with "big data" took a huge leap over the last year. David Smith of Revolution Analytics performed several related queries and posted the results today on his company's blog.

The most common definition of "big data" is datasets that grow so large that they become awkward to work with using on-hand database management tools, such as Excel. It's a soft term and is super trendy right now - but that doesn't mean the trend's not big and real.

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‪American Express: Link, Like, Love Demo‬‏ - YouTube #amex #video #scrm

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kidfographics: #Infographic: Cisma // B2Ten/Canadian Sport for Life 'Recess' on Vimeo

Sync #Google Plus to #Twitter, #Facebook & with Agent G

Want to sync your Google Plus updates to other social networks, without having to use a browser extension? There's a new way to do this, called "Agent G," which is actually a special Google Plus user account. Once configured, you can automatically share your Google Plus updates to the social networks of your choice, just by adding "Agent G" alongside the names of the Circles or friends you're sharing a post with on Google Plus.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

What G+ really about (pst!!! it's not social)

9 Secrets To Successful #Facebook #Viral #Marketing

Nine Secrets of Viral Marketing On Facebook

  1. Click rate * share rate = viral index
  2. Create an instant emotional response
  3. Cater to 100 percent of the population
  4. Make me look sexy
  5. Amplify my emotions
  6. Affiliate with a brand of higher resonance
  7. Give stuff away
  8. Make a baby with the user
  9. Follow the collective conscious

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fortumo Brings Carrier Billing to #Android, Now in 61 Countries #micropayment #sdk #sms

One unique feature offered by the updated SDK from Fortumo is the addition of a "fallback" method for customers whose mobile operator does not support direct carrier billing. In these cases, Premium SMS will be used instead. And both options can be implemented with one integration.


Besides the fallback to Premium SMS, the new SDK also offers the following features:

  • 1-click payments, no login or registration required
  • Built-in support for consumable and non-consumable single items as well as virtual currencies
  • A native Android look & feel
  • "Offline" payment when a data connection is unavailable
  • 61 countries, 22 languages and 42 currencies

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#Facebook and #LinkedIn Block #Apps TOS-Violating Browser #Extension and Apps

Late last week, a Google Chrome browser extension called Facebook Friend Exporter received a flood of new interest as Google+ users looked for a way to import their Facebook friends into Google’s social network, Circles. However, since the app collects contact information from Facebook, it violate’s the site’s terms of service, and Facebook implemented a throttling mechanism that prevents it from scraping email addresses.

LinkedIn also blocked two Facebook professional networking apps: BranchOut for trying to profit from pulling in LinkedIn profile data into an enterprise recruiting search tool,and Monster’s BeKnown for sending promotional messages through LinkedIn’s messages API. These are the latest examples of long-running issues with platform owners and developers both trying to provide the same value to users and customers.

The blocking of apps by Facebook and LinkedIn is a sign of the growing pains of social platforms that with time have built valuable collections of user data. There’s a fine balance between promoting innovation and giving away competitive advantage. Developers should expect the platforms to protect themselves, and should know that just because they aren’t shut down immediately doesn’t mean their data usage has been approved. While there are monetary and philosophical rewards for operating in the gray area, there’s also great potential for loss of development resources.

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#Mobile #Facebook Apps are upon us! - On The Eve Of One Facebook Event, The Spartans Prepare For Another

You’ll recall that Project Spartan is the HTML5-driven mobile application platform that Facebook has been quietly building for months with the help of a group of third-party app developers. While some of those very developers believe Facebook’s intentions here is to break up the control Apple (and Google) have over the mobile app space, Facebook started freaking out when we reported that. The spin began almost immediately. And it has continued, even with the group of third-party developers working on the project — they’re affectionately known as “Spartans”.

We previously reported that after our initial story, Facebook began reaching out to the Spartans, reminding them that the information of the project was confidential (while telling the press this stuff was really “nothing new”). Since then, Facebook has stepped up their game as well. We now hear that there’s been a lot of stern talks with the Spartans, telling them that the project is not about going after Apple. But it’s not really working. “I look at these apps and how content rich they are and how they have nothing to do with Apple and everything to do with Facebook and assume that they think we are retarded,” is how one put it.

One developer says that the quality of the apps on the platform is really surprising — in a good way, naturally. Apparently, there are going to be a ton of games that will be a part of the Spartan launch. This shouldn’t be too surprising, HTML5 gaming has been something Facebook has been pushing. And Zynga is believed to be heavily involved in the project.

So when will Spartan launch? Facebook is pushing to have everyone ready by July 15. One source expects a formal unveiling to be sometime between then and August 1.

While we’ve been hesitant to provide many screenshots of what the project looks like since it could give away sources, we have secured the one below which has been slightly altered. You’ll note that it looks like a modified version of the current Facebook mobile site. Of course, two things you won’t find on the current mobile site are right there staring you in the face: Games and Apps — with notifications too!

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Confirmed: Google+ iOS app is awaiting approval from Apple! — 24100.NET

Today, Google’s own Erica joy has confirmed, that the iOS app has in fact been submitted to Apple for review some time ago. It is now stuck in review and waiting for approval. Erica actually posted it to the public on the Google+ network itself:

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Monday, July 4, 2011

#Google’s Six-Front War - Techcrunch

The Browser Front:

The Mobile Front:

The Search Front:

The Local Front:

The Social Front:

The Enterprise Front:

It’s easy to pile on Google given their size, their wallet, and their global influence and impact. They are the goliath, and have been for many years, and are now facing many challenging tests, all at the same time. And while it’s a fun parlor game to sit around and pontificate about how Google’s reign might be over or how slow GMail loads, the reality is that no other company could compete legitimately on so many different battlefronts against so many different competitors. There’s no way Google can win each battle, and they must know that, but they will win some, and it will be fascinating to see how the company both adapts and stays the course along the way. Google is not going to go down without a fight, and it could take another decade for all of these battles to play out. The company has some of the world’s brightest engineers, a stockpile of cash, and incredible consumer Internet mind share, worldwide. Sit tight.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Yankee Group: Global #mobile transactions to exceed US$1 trillion by 2015 • #NFC World

The value of global mobile transactions will grow from US$241 billion in 2011 to more than $1 trillion by 2015, a compound annual growth rate of 56%, according to Yankee Group's latest Mobile Money Forecast, part of a new Mobile Money Strategies research service.

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#Multichannel: it’s not what it used to be… | Econsultancy #marketing

Converting a consumer from a browser to a buyer no longer happens on a single channel, it happens across a multi-channel journey. And at each step of the way during this multi-channel journey you will have to make sure that:

  • You deliver what your customer is after at that stage of their user journey, whether this is  information or transactional capability.
  • The touchpoint is easy to access and easy to use.
  • The information you provide is accurate, consistent and relevant.
  • You provide enough arguments that will make the consumer want to use your touchpoint next in their multi-channel journey (and a little incentive such as a discount may just help).

Each touchpoint can fulfil certain customer needs as part of a multi-channel customer journey and as you roll out these touchpoints you need to be clear about what its roles are.

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‪The History of Payments - a mockumentary from Barclaycard ‬‏

The Official Lookout Blog | How a Phone is Phished: New #Infographic #security #mobile