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Monday, October 18, 2010

Ads Drive the Most “Likes” for Brands on Facebook [STUDY]

Driving recommendations from friends and influencers might be the goal of many marketing campaigns, but when it comes to simply generating “likes” on Facebook, a recently published study shows that ads and direct outreach convert best.

According to a study of more than 1,600 people ages 18 to 60 by DDB Worldwide and Opinionway Research, 75% of those who liked a brand on Facebook did so because of an ad or another form of direct outreach. Invitations from friends was the impetus for 59% of likes, while personal research accounted for just 49% of them.

That’s not to say that invitations from friends are any less important. As eMarketer notes, “Many of those invitations are likely a secondary form of brand outreach as well, as marketers encourage current followers to become brand advocates on their behalf.”

The study also looked at reasons why people unsubscribe from a brand’s updates – something that 36% of those that liked a brand had done. Top reasons cited include losing interest in the brand, frequency (or lack thereof) of updates and uninteresting content.

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