Here are the most popular posts according to all of you
A collection of 50+ enterprise 2.0 case studies and examples- I wasn’t able to find a large collection of E2.0 and collaboration case studies online so I aggregated all the one’s I did find and put them together for easy reference
Trends for companies searching for a social media “something”- A quick visual look which scans the job descriptions of job postings to see what companies are looking for as it pertains to “social.”
The many faces of Social CRM- Social CRM has been visualized quite differently by many people so I decided to take the images I found online and aggregate them to show multiple perspectives on the same topic.
Here’s to you, the social media manager!- A little salute and thank you to the social media managers of the world.
An open letter to CRM and social media people- Social CRM is oftentimes discussed as being social media plus CRM but there’s been a bit of arguing between the two camps which I think is unnecessary, there is a lot that everyone can learn from each other, this is my plea to do so.
The evolution of CRM to social CRM- A visual look at how CRM evolved into social CRM.
Social media vs social CRM vs social business vs enterprise 2.0- With so many terms and definitions floating around the web it really becomes hard to differentiate and understand what is what, here’s my attempt to clarify things.
What is social CRM: an introduction (technically from the very end of 2009)- Yes, technically this is from 2009 but it was still a very popular post and worthy of mention here. It’s my attempt to help introduce and clarify the topic of social CRM.