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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Users Click Right Call to Actions More Than Left - #UX Movement

There are many home page focal points that put their call to action but­tons in the bot­tom left area. This is the weak fal­low area that users pay the least atten­tion to. Users may sweep their eyes across your call to action but­ton, but they won’t fix­ate on it for long. When the user fin­ishes view­ing and ends at the ter­mi­nal area, they have to move their eyes back to the weak fal­low area to click the call to action but­ton. This not only forces users to move their eyes more, but going back to the weak fal­low area is an unnat­ural move­ment that goes against their view­ing rhythm. Call to actions belong in the ter­mi­nal area because they’re the last thing users need to see to take action.

The exam­ple below arranges the home page focal point ele­ments per­fectly. The head­line, which users read first, is in the pri­mary opti­cal area where users first look. The sup­port­ing text, which users read after the head­line, is in the strong fal­low area, where users move their eyes to sec­ond. The prod­uct image, which users look at after they read, is in the weak fal­low area. This is the best spot for the prod­uct image because images tend to get longer visual fix­a­tions. Plac­ing it in the weak fal­low area means that the image won’t get fix­ated on too long over other ele­ments. Each ele­ment is effi­ciently placed so that it fol­lows the user’s nat­ural view­ing pat­tern. A call to action in the ter­mi­nal area makes it quick and easy for users to take action.

The dif­fer­ence between a left and right call to action may only seem like its place­ment. But when you look deeper, where you place your call to actions can affect whether users click them or not. Know­ing this will allow you to pro­mote and dis­play your prod­uct in an effi­cient way that makes users act.


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