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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finding Your #Mobile Niche | #UX Magazine

The mobile land rush is in full swing. Applications are being downloaded at a mind-bending speed, mobile media click-through rates are outstanding, and everyone in the space is working to create unique experiences that will drive everyday use.
But while mobile is rightly being treated as a core area of consumer engagement, too often it is being designed for as a smaller version of the desktop experience. This misses an opportunity to add real value to customers’ lives by being relevant in a mobile moment. As a guide for designers taking the mobile plunge, we have identified four ways existing brands have created powerful mobile experiences.

  1. Segment and Reduce Functionality
  2. Expand Your Product’s Use Context
  3. Take Advantage of The Social Nature of Mobile
  4. Create an End-to-End Experience for Your Customer

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